Year 6 2024 - 2025

We are Year 6! 

Welcome to our class page! Here you will find lots of information about your final year at St Luke's. 

We have two classes in our cohort: 6G and 6H.

6G - Mr Graham and Mrs Salim

6H - Miss Halliwell and Mr Tynan

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Mr Tynan and Mr Graham

Mrs Salim and Miss Halliwell


Welcome to Term 2! We are heading into what we call the 'business end' of the year as we approach our SATs in May and are beginning to boost our Reading, Writing and Maths learning in particular, to make sure that we are as ready for these assessments as can be:

Important Information

Half Term 3 finishes on Friday 14th February, 2025

Half Term 4 starts on Monday 24th February, 2025.


Our school day begins at 8:40am every day; please enter the school grounds through the Year 5/6 gate on Stockport Road. 

The school day ends for Year 6's at the following times:

Monday - 4:30pm for all Year 6's

Tuesday - 3:30pm

Wednesday - 4:30pm for children attending Wednesday boosters, 3:30pm for everyone else

Thursday - 3:30pm

Friday - 1:30pm 



Year 6: News items

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Year 6: Gallery items

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Year 6: Calendar items

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