Science - 'Evolution and Adaptation'
This term, our Science work links closely to our Literacy unit. We will look at how a growing understanding of 'Inheritance' led to the development of the theory of evolution, which is the idea that living things change very slowly, over a long period of time, as specimens with better physical features live longer and reproduce more.
We will, obviously, look at the importance of Charles Darwin as a proponent of this theory, but also see how his ideas actually built upon many other scientists', philosophers' and theologians' ideas. The theory of evolution did indeed evolve!
At the end of our unit, we will link to our religious studies and ask the children to consider the implications of this theory for religious belief systems. Evolution and faith are often seen as opposites, but we will present the chidlren with the best evidence we can and encourage them to make up their own minds about how evolution and religious faith (as well as their own beliefs) may contradict or compliment each other.