Reception 2024 - 2025
Welcome to RECEPTION!
Your teachers this year are:
RH - Mrs Hodgkiss, Mrs Madja, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Khan
RW - Ms Williams, Mrs Stockley, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Khan
Reception Drop Off and Pick Up are at the back car park gate
Monday - Friday Start Time: 8:40am (gates will close at 8::50am)
Monday - Thuraday Finish Time: 3:30pm
Friday Finsh time : 1.30pm
Our Topics:
Half Term 1 - Ourselves
Half Term 2: Celebrations
HalfTerm 3: Transport and Travel
Half Term 4: Growth and Lifecycles
Half Term 5: Our Planet
Half Term 6: Superheroes
Welcome to Reception!
This half term our Topic is 'Growth and Lifecycles' . We will be learning about a number of different life cycles, amd using the texts 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', 'Titch', 'Tad' and 'growing Frogs' to support our learning. We will also be hatching our very own eggs and caring for baby chicks!
We will look at the books below:
Please continue to help your child to be independent by ensuring they can get changed, feed and toilet themselves. Each child will need a bag of spare clothes and their PE kits on their peg, to be kept in school. They will be sent home half termly to be washed.
Useful Links:
Phonics Explained - A guide for parents
The EYFS Framework
Throughout Nursery and Reception, we deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. We use this to teach each child, considering their level of development and any additional needs.
A copy of this can be viewed here:
Staff are always on hand to discuss your child’s development and give advice or practical support on how to encourage learning at home as well as at school! We are happy to help!
Please ensure you have joined Class Dojo so you can keep up to date with annoucnements and school information. Ask your child's teacher if you do not have a log on.