Subject leader: Miss I Kiddle

Our St. Luke's Christian vision:

We believe in providing the pupils with the skills to be resilient, independent and brave. We look to God to help us to be loving neighbours, caring stewards and reflective individuals. We do this through a rich, diverse curriculum which is inclusive, accepting and supportive.

St Luke’s C.E. Primary School is known for its vast diversity of cultures that make up the school. We have children from a variety of different backgrounds and our school represents and reflects the multi-cultural community of Longsight.

Here at St Luke’s we teach the world’s major religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. Our aim is that our children develop a respect for other people’s beliefs and gain a broad understanding of the world’s religions and how they play a major role in the wider community.

R.E is taught in class weekly from EYFS to Year 6. We also include R.E in assemblies where children are given the opportunity to experience other people’s cultures and faith, whilst sharing and celebrating their own knowledge and beliefs.

Religious Education throughout the school will provide pupils with an opportunity to:

  • Develop principles for distinguishing right from wrong.

  • Promote equality of opportunity and enable pupils to challenge discrimination and stereotyping.

  • Develop pupils’ ability to relate to others and work for the common good.

  • Respond positively to opportunities and responsibilities, to manage risk and to cope with change throughout their lives.

  • Approach with sensitivity and respect the beliefs, actions and feelings of other believers.

  • Appreciate relationships between personal and shared religion.

  • Develop appropriate ways of communicating their own thoughts, feelings and responses.

  • Apply the insights derived from the process of Religious Education to the development of their own beliefs, values and attitudes.

  • Develop pupils’ skills of enquiry and response through the use of distinctive language, listening and empathy.

RE Ambassadors

Meet our 2024 St. Luke's RE ambassadors:

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Why do we love to study RE?

Ajwad: "RE allows us to learn about the beliefs of others and how they live."

David: "Studying RE teaches us to show empathy towards others."

Talia: "RE shows me why people are different, and what matters to them when they celebrate."

Rihannat: "I'm really interested in what the different religions teach us. It makes me inquisitive, and want to learn more!"

What do you enjoy most about your RE lessons?