
EQUALITY 2022-24


  • To close the gap between Writing attainment and our other core subject attainment (Reading and Maths) for all learners, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic.

  • To improve morning punctuality and attendance across whole school and for pupils who are persistently late or absent as it impacts on a) learning, b) curriculum coverage and c) development of important life skills essential for later life.

  • To ensure that pupils have opportunities to have strong personal development in order for them to be more resilient and understand how to manage and improve their own positive mental health and wellbeing.

How we have developed our objectives:-

  • Our objectives are based on consultation we have conducted with staff, children, governors and parents and carers and evidence we have collected and published,
  • Our objectives are specific and measurable – they meet the school’s needs and are achievable,
  • The objectives are integrated into our school improvement plan,
  • We will publish our objectives on the school website,
  • We will report annually to the governing body on progress towards achieving our objectives.
  • In the future, evidence will be published on the school website of the steps being taken and the progress towards meeting these objectives,
  • Evidence of steps taken and progress made towards meeting past objectives will also be published,
  • Our objectives will be reviewed annually and will be updated at least every four years.


  • Our objectives run throughout all our academic curriculum and wider curriculum opportunities and provision.
  • PSED curriculum (PHSE and Global Citizenship).
  • RE and Collective Worship.
  • Targeted interventions including catch-up tuition, EAL, nurture and pastoral support and SEN.
  • Supporting parents to engage and help pupils learning; Parents phonics course and parent writing course run by school.
  • Termly parent forums.
  • Regular communication and interaction with parents.


  • Good attendance and punctuality for all learners.
  • Whole school attendance to be at at least National.
  • School persistent absence to be below National.
  • Outcomes - GLD, Key Stage 1 phonics, Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs.
  • Good engagement for all pupil groups in wider curriculum opportunities.

Monitoring and Review

  • Governing body 3 times a year.
  • Designated school lead Jayne Stoba (DHT, safeguarding lead (DSL) and SENCO).
  • Designated Governor Cath Williams.

Review September 2024 (earlier if required).