Year 5 2024 - 2025
We have two classes in Year 5:
5H – Ms Hanley
5K – Ms Kiddle
Mr Ivo and Mr Aaliyan will be supporting us in class this year.
Pupils are also supported by members of our fabulous EAL and SEN teams.
Academic Year 2024-25 - Half term 4
Monday 24th February to Friday 4th April 2025
It's another busy half term for Year 5. Lessons begin at 8:50am every day - please try to be on time.
The gates will open at 8:40am so you can all be in class and ready to learn when lessons begin.
Please line up sensibly along the fence at the Stockport Road entrance gate and wait for a teacher to open the gate. Do not block the pavement or go near the road please.
Online Learning Platform
We are using Class Dojo as our learning platform and every child and parent has their own log in. If you change device or lose your password, then please contact school as soon as possible.
Class Dojo is the easier and most efficient way for teachers, parents and pupils to stay in touch. Class announcements, reminders, homework and photos will be posted there so please check it regularly! There is also a private messaging function so parents can contact teachers directly.
Click here to log in: Class Dojo
What to bring to school this term:
- Full PE kit (Please bring every Monday and leave in school all week)
- Reading book and reading record (every day)
- Water bottle
- Homework (Mondays)
- Your inhaler if needed
Daily challenge
Watch today's Newsround and discuss with your family:
1. One thing that interests you and you'd like to find out more about
2. One thing that you are concerned or worried about
3. One thing that makes you happy or grateful
Other great learning sites:
Times Table Rockstars
The children are encouraged to use the Times Table Rockstars platform both at home and in school. The details that they need to login are:
School Name/Post Code: M12 4NG (St Luke’s CE Primary School, Longsight)
Speak to your teacher if you have forgotten your username or password
Purple Mash
Click here to access another online learning platform Purple Mash!
All pupils have their own log in details
Speak to your teacher if you have forgotten your username or password