School Council



What?          Why?          How?          When?

What is the School Council?

An inclusive, structured forum for discussion and decision-making.

A means for children to raise issues and concerns.

A means to consult all pupils/parents.

Why have a School Council?

To help children develop responsible attitudes.

To improve behaviour.

To create a feeling of belonging, encourage listening to others and develop self confidence.

To improve pupil/teacher relationships to actively take part in events including charity events, fundraising and helping the individuals in the local community.

How does the School Council work?

Conventional committee procedures are used.

Class representatives bring issues to the School Council.

Mrs Mahmood and Miss Naz discuss issues raised.

How can I raise an issue?

Tell your class representative - all your points and they will be raised at the next meeting.  You could write it down and give it to any member of the Student Council/Eco Team.

How do I find out what happened?

Class representatives will feed back to their class as soon as possible the following week.  A handout with all the issues raised will be given to the Student Council members.

When does the School Council take place?

Usually fortnightly at 2.00pm for 30 minutes. (Days will vary) To be rotated with School Council team and Eco Team fortnightly.

Who are our new Sept 2023- July 2024 Student Council (SC) and Eco Council (E) members??

3K Kaid (SC) and Honey (E) 

3Y Rozan (SC) and Yahya (E)

4JM   Omara (SC) and Taha (E)

4G  Batool (SC) and Zubair (E)

5K  Omar  (SC) and Fatma (E)

5H  Hashir (SC) and Sarah (E)

6G  Ayah (SC) and Nufail (E)

6H Anisha (SC) and Taha (E)

Items on the Agenda: 

Flood appeal non-uniform day.

McMillian Coffee morning to be organised and posters to be made.

Halloween Disco posters for Tuesday 31st October 2023

Children in Need Friday 17th November 2023

Christmas Jumper Day Friday 8th December 2023

Children's mental health week 6th-12th February 2024

Recycling bins to be emptied February 2024

Women's History month Wednesday 1st March 2024 (discuss in classes)

Red Nose Day 2024 Friday 15th March (Non uniform day)