"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that."
--Stephen King
"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."
--Anaïs Nin
Introduction to the Writing Curriculum
We follow the National Curriculum for Literacy across Key Stage 1 and 2.
The main components are:
Transcription (spelling and handwriting)
The school has adopted the Cambridge "Pen Pals" handwriting scheme for autumn 2018 and regular sessions ensure neatness and consistency in letter formation.
Spelling has been designated an area for development in the 2018 development plan. Spelling patterns are taught explicitly in discrete spelling lessons taught each week with key vocabulary displayed in classroom.
Regular spelling homework is set based on statutory year requirements and contextualised to the genre.
Composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).
We ensure the key elements of the new curriculum are met by:
- Choosing quality, appropriate texts that will spark children’s imaginations. We ensure progression of texts by using the reading spine, as suggested by Pie Corbett for each year group.
- Incorporating established “Talk for Writing” methodology; children imitate structures and conventions over a range of genres and innovate with their own ideas. We use the "overwriting" methodology (as championed by James Clements) at sentence level to ensure children write a range of varied structures in different contexts. www.teachwire.net/news/word-for-word-use-the-overwriting-technique-to-turn-your-pupils-into-more-c
- Developing a rigorous teaching of grammar structures by contextualising them to the genre being covered and ensuring children develop confidence at reproducing taught structures at sentence level through regular practice
- Staff have received training on effective teaching of grammar structures and children will become more confident in using meta-language when discussing the grammar structures used in their own sentence development.
- Children are taught to edit and adapt their writing, both stylistically and grammatically. This is encouraged collaboratively, where children evaluate and improve their work by talking through it together.
- We have a tailored assessment document (KIPS) of the components covered in the new curriculum, this is updated every half term.
- Classes are expected to give children opportunities to write for real purposes so that they see a tangible outcome to their writing; this provides motivation and excitement to the writing process.
- Cross- curricular teaching of genres is planned into our topic components and pieces of work are assessed and marked with the same rigour across the curriculum so that writing skills are reinforced in every context.
- Children are encouraged to write often and in many different contexts, (the use of mini whiteboards being an excellent assessment tool) so that they gain confidence in writing and expressing themselves.