Year 1 will start the term by focusing on understanding Place Value with a particular continuous focus on working up to grasping 0-20 with the embedding of number bonds and understanding the position of counting up to and on from 10. These areas are, of course, essential to the pupils’ understanding of many other units of work. A key focus is going to be mathematical fluency in these skills. The class will have an allocated time of 20 minutes per day.
We will continue Place Value into the Spring term. Children will begin using a number line with estimating, comparing an ordering numbers to 20. Please practice counting up to 20 and back from 20 using mathematical language to familiarise your child. Eg. What is 1 more than 19, what is 1 less than 12 ect.
Eventually we will move on to adding and subtracting numbers within 20. Children will find and make number bonds to 20, find doubles and near doubles. They'll find the difference between numbers within 20 and use their number bond knowledge to help them.
Children will have a weekly lesson targeting their reasoning skills. Reasoning in Numeracy is the "process of applying logical and critical thinking to a mathematical problem in order to work out the correct strategy to use (and as importantly, not to use) in reaching a solution".
Continuous Provision activities will help support the learning that week and also through the aid of concrete objects, pictorial and written form questions children will begin exploring Numeracy. This will be helpful for all learners and allow for all learners to access the curriculum and consolidate their learning.
Websites to help children with their number bonds and times tables: