Subject leader: Miss C Williams
“Every child is an artist.”
- Pablo Picasso
What we believe:
Children access a high quality art and design curriculum that is designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils. This will equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Children need to be able to think critically in all areas of learning and apply these skills to develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They need to know how art and design both reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. Consequently, the children will become increasingly proficient and confident at:
- producing creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
- drawing, painting, sculpture and other arts, craft and design techniques
- evaluating and analysing creative works using the language of art, craft and design
- identifying great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
‘It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. The quality and variety of what children see, hear and participate in is crucial for developing their understanding, self expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through the arts.’
(Development Matters, Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the eyfs. First published September 2020, Revised July 2021)
Expressive Art and Design Early Learning Goals
- Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
- Share their creations, explaining the process they have used.
KS1 – Pupils will be taught:
- To use a range of material creatively to design and make products
- To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination
- To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
- About the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work
KS2 – Pupils will be taught:
- To develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
- To create a sketchbook to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
- To improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials (eg.pencil, charcoal, paint, clay)
- About great artists, architects and designers in history
Art Ambassadors
Each term the ambassadors will visit art lessons throughout school as a group with the Art leader. They will observe and evaluate lessons and art work.
Helping your child with Art at home:
- Allow access to simple art resources at home from an early age eg. paper, pens, chalks, scissors and glue
- Play together with dough and experiment moulding different colours, textures, shapes and forms
- Provide the freedom for your child to create and experiment with out boundaries – let them explore their individuality and own artistic style
- Expose your children to lots of different types of art, take a trip to a local gallery, e.g. the Whitworth Art Gallery and explore and discuss the pieces of art they like and don’t like
- Research local and favourite artists and their styles
- Explore opportunities to create digital art
- Be proud of their art work, display it at home and tell them just how fabulous it is!
Useful links for Art and Design
- The Artful Parent
You can access over 500 arts and crafts activities, including painting, sculptures and printmaking. This site gives you ideas of what Art supplies to provide for you child in order to create and make different things.
- Art for Kids hub
You can watch step by step videos on how to draw different things, origami for children, how to paint, holiday and celebratory art projects and projects related to the Seasons. It also gives you a list of the resources you will need before completing each art project.
- Land Art for Kids
A website which gives you ideas on how to collect natural resources to produce different forms of Art.
- Tate Kids-The Best Art Website for Kids
Kids can follow instructions to make different things, play art games and quizzes and explore and read about the work of well-known artists.
- BBC Bitesize Art and Design
You can watch class clips on famous artists, techniques and how to create different things.